Tropical Island RentalsTropical Island Rentals
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Booking Conditions of Rental

To confirm the booking a completed, signed booking form showing all names must accompany a non-refundable deposit of between 25-30% immediately (50-55% during the Christmas & New Year Period). The Client signing the booking form must be over the age of 25, confirms that he/she has the authority of all other persons included in the holiday to make the booking on their behalf and that he/she has read and accepted the Booking Conditions. The deposit is accepted as part payment towards the cost of the property rental. Under no circumstances may the booking be sold on, transferred, or gifted to any other person or persons. In addition to our own requirements in this regard, it must be stressed that many scheduled airline tickets are not transferable and cannot be used by anyone other than the named person on the booking. However, some charter flights will allow a name change for a fee.

The balance of the cost of your holiday must be paid no later than 8 weeks before departure. Otherwise at a date specified by Tropical Island Rentals. If you book within 8 weeks of departure, the total cost of your holiday rental must be paid at the time of booking.

Payment can be made by bank/wire transfer or by credit/debit card. The maximum amount payable per credit card transaction is GBP£12,000. Payments above this amount must be paid via bank/wire transfer.

Please note that any payments being made that need to be converted from US$ to GBP£ will be made on the day the invoice is sent to you and will be based on that day’s exchange rate at our bank (Natwest Bank). Due to the volatility of the exchange rates this GBP£ rate is only valid for 24hrs.

If we do not receive unconditional payment of the balance by the date due, we reserve the right to cancel your booking; all monies paid are forfeit, except any security deposit made which is refundable.

Should it become necessary for us to make any changes to your holiday arrangements before the date of departure, we will notify the signatory to the booking form. We will then offer either directly or through such signatory the choice of accepting the change, which if available, will be of at least comparable standard. Alternatively, a full refund of money paid will be made. Any such refund will be made to such signatory to the booking form within 14 days. Please note that although we will use our best endeavours to find an alternate site for your holiday in the event of the original property not being available, it may not in practice be possible to do so and we do not undertake to provide an alternative. Our financial obligations in these circumstances are limited to a full refund of money paid.

Cancellation: All cancellations must be confirmed to us in writing. Any cancellation by you will result in the loss of any and all monies paid. It must be understood that many of the costs of your holiday such as flights may not be refundable in any circumstances. It is a condition of this contract that you will have adequate trip/travel insurance cover at the time of booking.  This should cover for cancellation including if you or a member of your group test positive for COVID-19 which prevents you from travelling or if you receive a positive test result for COVID-19 on arrival in Barbados.

Any amendments made by you to your booking need to be confirmed to us in writing and may carry an administration charge. We cannot guarantee that any changes made to the length of stay at the property rental will be accepted (without charge) once the booking has been confirmed.

All Passport, Visa and health certificate requirements are your responsibility. We cannot accept responsibility for any irregularities of personal documents.

During occupation of the property you are expected to assume all reasonable responsibility for its safety and security. (For example, ensuring that the property is secure when you go out, supervising young children to avoid domestic hazards etc.)

We do not expect that you will have cause to make a complaint but any complaints regarding malfunction of facilities or any deficiencies in the services received by you will be attended to and remedied if possible, by ourselves or by our local agent acting on our behalf. You must report any dissatisfaction with, or malfunction of, equipment, services or any aspect of your holiday to our Agent and to ourselves in the UK within 24 hours of becoming aware of the problem. This is so that we may seek to solve the problem whilst you are on holiday. You must also confirm any such concern or dissatisfaction in writing within seven days of leaving the property. Failure to comply with these terms will impede our ability to deal with this problem on your behalf.

We cannot be responsible for any change of condition or circumstances at the property occurring after the time of booking or disputes between the client and anyone from neighbouring properties not connected with the booking. Building Works: we regret we cannot always issue information on ever-changing local conditions. If we do find information on building works commencing within the immediate vicinity of your property rental, you will be informed. However, no refund or partial refund can be offered unless the building works are within the property grounds.

If a party exceeding that stated on the booking form attempts to take up residence in the accommodation, we reserve the right to evict the whole party. Any extra guests must be declared, and a supplement will have to be paid. We may also terminate the use of the property rental by a guest if;

The Client or member of the party behaves in a manner that constitutes a nuisance to the Owner or any neighbours or which might invalidate any insurance policies over the Property.
Any incident for which the police need to be called to the property.
Any behaviour posing a threat to the safety of others.
Physical or verbal abuse towards the staff; whether caused by intoxication or otherwise.
Having illegal substances, firearms, explosives or other items deemed hazardous to life, limb or property.
Any member of the party that behaves in a manner which in the opinion of the local agent for Tropical Island Rentals is likely to cause damage to the property or any of the fixtures or fittings in that property.
The Client or member of the party behaves in a manner which renders it impossible or unreasonable for Tropical Island Rentals to continue to provide any of the services to the property or to the guest or members of the party.
Any member of the party that behaves in any manner which is not consistent with the fit and proper use of the property.
The use of Riemann P20 sunblock is prohibited at the Property due to the damage that it causes to fabrics and surfaces.

Commercial filming and photography are not permitted at the Property without prior permission.

The Client shall not do or suffer to be done anything that may be or become a nuisance or annoyance to the Owner, or the occupiers of adjoining land or that might invalidate any insurance policies valid on the property and shall not bring any animals to the villa.

Each property caters for 2 occupants per bedroom. The staff of the villa are available to cater to the needs of the occupants only. Additional guests for dinner/drinks are limited to 50% of the maximum occupancy; for example; if the villa sleeps six people the maximum party size that can be accommodated/catered to on occasion will be nine. Such occasions are limited to no more than twice per week. Visitors of the Client are required to vacate the villa by 11:00pm. Only the Client and his/her guests registered to stay at the villa can be on the premises beyond 11:00pm.

The client agrees to pay in full for any losses of, or damage to, fixtures, fittings, carpets etc, or any damage to the property. Our local Agent will be the sole arbitrator on cause and effect of such damage or losses. Depending on the property being rented, there are two ways a security deposit is taken;

1) The security deposit is held by Tropical Island Rentals on a credit card from the person that signed the booking form (or within the travelling group staying at the property). The credit card will not be charged once the property has been thoroughly checked for damages, telephone and other expenses and is found to be in order.

2) A security deposit amount in US$ (the amount depends on the property rental) is charged from the Client’s credit card by the local house manager prior to their arrival at the villa. This amount is held as security for any damage or loss occasioned by the Client or his/her guests and for incidental charges. Subject to it being established that there are no damages or outstanding charges the balance shall be refunded to the Client no later than 14 days after departure.

The deposits include unforeseen costs that might occur whilst you are staying at the property rental.  This includes accidental breakages, telephone/internet costs, or damage to the property.

Glass, crockery nor any breakable items are to be used in the area of the pool. This includes in the actual pool. Any breakages that should occur as a result of this stipulation being disregarded will require the Client to settle the cost of emptying, cleaning and refilling the pool with water and any other measures found to be necessary to restore the pool to an acceptable condition, approximately US $2,000.

Baby equipment rentals are NOT included in the rental price unless stated otherwise.

To encourage you to take care of our environment by being careful in your use of the air conditioning and other electrically powered things, your rental rate includes electricity up to the normal level of usage for a booking. However, if your usage is excessive (e.g. air con left on all the time or not shutting the doors and windows when you are using it, will push the usage up dramatically) we reserve the right to deduct an amount attributable to this excessive usage from the deposit held by us. Electricity readings are taken before and after every booking.

Changes beyond our control: Some changes are necessary because of reasons beyond our control.  These include but are not limited to civil disturbances, war, fires, floods, utility outages, severe weather, pandemics, epidemics, acts of God, acts of government or travel disruptions, which we could not foresee or avoid, even with all due care. In such circumstances, the client will not be entitled to any refund, reimbursement or compensation.  However, where any such payment or concession in any way is made, such payment or action is voluntary and made entirely at the discretion of Tropical Island Rentals or the Owner. We are not responsible for any expenses or losses as a result of circumstances beyond our control.  It is a condition of this contract that you take out travel/trip insurance and this should include coverage for such a force majeure event.

Smoking and vaping is not permitted in any property rental (or on balconies/terraces) unless otherwise specified.

Daily laundry is not provided. The Laundress is responsible for the linens at the house.  They will launder the Client’s and his/her guests’ clothing as time permits. For speciality clothing, guests can have these laundered by a dry-cleaning service on island or when they return home. Compensation will not be given for any damage caused to garments that require speciality cleaning. Barbados is a water scarce island and only full loads of laundry will be washed.  Clothing from the rooms will be mixed.  Alternatively, the occupants of individual bedrooms will need to accumulate a full load of laundry before items can be washed.

Check-in is from 3pm on the day of arrival and check-out is by 12 noon on the day of departure. We cannot offer an early check-in or a late check-out as guests may be departing/arriving on the same day.


Please note that Tropical Island Rentals, the local house managers and the owners of the properties will not be responsible for any costs relating to testing of guests while on the island.  Refunds will not be applicable to any testing of guests while on the island.  Refunds will not be applicable to anyone testing positive for COVID-19, which will result in them or anyone in their party not being able to travel or be able to continue their stay at the property booked.  No refund will be applicable if you have to quarantine for any other COVID-19 reason.  Please ensure you have the appropriate travel/trip insurance to cover you for this possible outcome.

Staffing levels may change at any time depending on the Barbados Government protocols for COVID-19 which are changeable.  This is out of our control and no refund will be issued for changes in staffing levels before or during your booking.

For the latest travel protocols to Barbados go to the ‘Barbados Travel Protocols’ website.  Please continue to check this website for updates in the lead up to your stay at your rental in Barbados.